Home Comfort
24/7 control... On an unseasonably cold winter
night, the temperature has suddenly dropped 20 degrees below the
forecast since you put your family to bed. That drafty window can’t
threaten your children, because your integrated heating system has
sensed the temperature drop from an outside thermostat. The system
adjusts accordingly, even though the regular thermostat downstairs
has not detected anything unusual. The inside thermostat is automatically
adjusted in anticipation of a drop in temp inside the house. There
is no need to go and adjust the downstairs thermostat once the house
has grown cold. The chill is kept outside; you and your family wake
up never knowing the difference.
Home Management
Don’t worry about having to close the
garage door at night. Do
it all from the touch screen key pad. Oh, and if you forget to
lock the doors, just call from you cell phone and make it happen
while one the road.
Never worry about missing a service appointment
again, just program the house to open up with the right key code.
Then monitor everything from your computer while in the office.
Lighting control
Never come home to a dark house again. Have
the exterior lights
turn on when a vehicle approaches and have the foot paths illuminate
shortly after. Have the interior lights come on as you enter the
house and have them turn down when you are ready for dinner.
Enjoy the convenience of not having to turn off all the lights
night every night or just enjoy the mood that is set when you
change the light to your favorite scene.
Comfort Control
Total Control! Compromise nothing when it comes to your families
and wellness in your home. Control temperture, humidity, lighting,
and electronic devices from one central control unit. Extend your
power by utilizing the internet. Own the 'Smart Home' you've always
dreamed of, but thought was mere fantasy.